Saturday, November 7, 2015

On Friday November 6th, Hillary Clinton announced a new criminal justice reform in which she's advocating a break with "mass incarceration". According to the article it stated that her new plan includes cutting prison time for non- violent offenses and reducing the application of mandatory minimum sentences. Hillary says she would also reform the excessive use of "strikes" to lengthen prison sentences and that she would also cut non-violent drug offenses from that list of crimes.


  1. I think this is a very logical position and a step in the right direction for our prison system. I think this will help her popularity, considering how many people are fed up with the current incarceration system.

  2. I've heard some bad things about her, but this is actually starting to lead me to her. If she keeps this up I might start rooting for her.

  3. I disagree with her on decreasing the sentences for drug abuse. So many young people have ruined their lives and some have lost their lives to drugs. Decreasing the punishment will probably increase the number of people abusing drugs. Her policies have been something i cant agree with.

  4. I think it would be amazing if this went through. Hilary continues to surprise me and pushes for things I believe in.

  5. I actually am really happy with this stand and if this law is passed that would help with our tax payers too. It looks like many citizens are happy with this position too. If try to minimize how many people are in prison then we can also cut back on tax dollars.

  6. Don't particularly like the idea of decreasing drug sentences because this can cause more people to abuse drugs and although this helps the tax payers, its not exactly right.
