In the wake of last
week’s attacks in Paris, Americans say Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
are the White House hopefuls best able to handle the threat of terrorism,
according to a new Reuters. The poll of 1,106 respondents taken after
Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris found that Clinton and Trump were preferred
by approximately 20% of respondents each as the 2016 candidate “best suited to
deal with terrorism. “Trump and Clinton also took the top spots among
members of their own parties when it came to who could handle terrorism best,
as Trump topped Marco Rubio, who’s made foreign policy a centerpiece of his
campaign, among Republicans. Both candidates have also long held overall
polling leads in their bids for their parties’ presidential nominations, though
Trump and Ben Carson have alternated in the top spot among Republicans in
recent surveys. While they may share a spot atop the Reuters poll when it comes
to dealing with terrorism, they’ve staked out very different policy terrain in
the days since the Paris attacks. Trump has argued that less restrictive gun
laws in France would’ve helped foil the attackers. He’s also opposed moves to
allow Syrian refugees into the United States, suggesting instead the creation
of a safe zone in Syria. Clinton, meanwhile, denounced on Twitter Tuesday what
she called the “hateful rhetoric from the GOP” on the refugee question, saying
“the idea that we’d turn away refugees because of religion is a new low.”
Well, Clinton said that the reason she gets so much support from Wall Street Super PACs is because of her work during 9/11. Maybe she will get a lot of support from French Super PACs because of her kind words after this attack? Clinton will go on record saying she supports refugees and then, just like her predecessors, continue to drop bombs in the middle-east, creating more refugees. This juxtaposition between her words and her actions have been brought up numerous times this campaign and I find it funny that it has brought her poll numbers up. Her actions as Secretary of State have already been linked to creating a stronger ISIS through a policy of arming extremist factions in Syria. According to declassified U.S. documents, the idea behind arming the extremists in Syria was to oust the current regime and that the U.S. was "prepared to deal with a powerful extremist contingent." This document was created in 2012, while she was still Secretary of State, and basically states that the idea was to make ISIS and let it tear up Syria then deal with ISIS later. Now we see her campaign support go up when ISIS attacks Paris. If it wasn't so damn tragic it would be laughable.
Did you just make an article on an article.
DeleteDid you just make an article on an article.