Friday, November 6, 2015

Kids tell Jimmy Kimmel Why Women Can't Be President

This interview of kids may be silly, but these kids are saying a lot of the things that are on peoples minds about Hillary running for president. It is interesting to hear kids talk about it because they are so blunt and simple about what they think.


  1. Wow, this is a really blunt example of how sexism in our society affects even the youngest people. Even the little girls didn't think a woman could be president.

  2. Wow, this is a really blunt example of how sexism in our society affects even the youngest people. Even the little girls didn't think a woman could be president.

  3. This shows that from a young age, people believe that different gender roles exist, which isn't necessarily false. I found it amusing how the girls kept changing their minds over whether a women should be president or not!
