Saturday, November 14, 2015

According to the News Week article, it mentioned that months prior to the presidential primary Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has received public support from more than half of her party's insiders, according to Associated Press. In brief, The AP contacted each of the 712 superdelegates to ask which candidate they would vote for at the Democratic National Convention next summer. More than 80% of the superdelegates responded. In the last two weeks Clinton was able to solidify support from 359 superdelegates. This number gives Hillary an advantage over her two rivals. As of now, Bernie sanders stands with support from eight superdelegates and a Martin O'Malley with only two. The rest of the 210 delegates said they are not committed to a particular democratic candidate. It is also stated that these 712 superdelegates make up 30% of the 2,382 delegates needed to with the Democratic nomination.


  1. Wow it definitely looks like Hillary has a good chance of being the Democratic nominee. At the rate it's going, she'll have no problem. However, one mistake could cost her a lot so she probably shouldn't relax too much.

  2. Wow, a lot of super-delegates like her.

  3. If she has a lot of supporters behind her this increases her chances of success. Without support chances to win are impossible but looks like Hillary wont have to worry to much about this.

  4. Although Hilary has an advantage over the competing candidates, I don't see her becoming our next president.

  5. I'd be more or less okay with her becoming our next president, she has a level head and focuses on big problems.
