Friday, October 16, 2015

Recently, Hillary Clinton stated that she was in support of the "Australian Model" concept of gun control, which basically hinges on banning most common firearms, and confiscation through forced buy backs. She was then asked by New Hampshire man, "if we can do that? If we can't, why can't we? Hillary in response stated that,"I think it's worth considering, I do not know enough detail to tell you how we would do it,  or how it would work". Many individuals are arguing that Hillary is encouraging radical gun control, and she hasn't thought things through.


  1. Australia's model on gun control seems to be working for them, but can we do this in the United States? It would be fantastic to see the amount of mass-shootings decrease in this country, but I'm not convinced that guns will be taken away from American gun-owners. As a society we're a lot more "pro-gun" than countries in say, Europe, but we also have the second-amendment guaranteeing "a well regulated militia the right to bear arms". Between the NRA and gun-rights activists, I doubt Hillary will be able to push her gun-control agenda forward on a national level if she wins the presidency.

  2. I think this course of action regarding guns would usually be the one most in line with common sense. However, I agree with Ben in that much of the country would not approve of it. Politically, I think it's a fairly polarizing stance because, right or wrong, it is likely to seem "extreme" to the vast swathe of right-wing gun supporters in this country.

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  4. It is the fact that she says thats she does not know how we would do it or how it would work. Isn't ite the presidents responsibility to know what is right for the country and if she is willing to suggest something , make support to what she says instead of saying i don't know. I don't think she will get voters if she is not confident in her believes and can't back it up with facts.
