Friday, October 9, 2015

FBI has access to all Clintons backed-up emails !!!

An article written by Rachel Bade this week on POLITICO, was talking about how all the data firm could be given to the FBI, which means that all of Hilary Clintons emails can be read by the FBI. This situation is not looking so good for Clinton because it’s just going to cause people not to vote for her because there is evidence that Clinton was trying to hack into other accounts.  Rachel states that, “The news, first reported by McClatchy Tuesday, heightened the possibility that copies of Clinton’s messages — including roughly 30,000 “personal” messages she said she deleted — exist somewhere and could be recovered by the FBI”. Voters might have a problem with this because they want a president who will lead the nation with integrity not with treachery.

Read more:


  1. Going though someones messages is so wrong! If Clinton was threatening someone or something that involves terrorism or something unlawful then I would understand the FBI going though her messages. But going through personal messages that were meant to be deleted is just awful in my opinion. The fact that Clinton was trying to hack into someone else's account is just karma getting back to her.

  2. It will be interesting to see whether the FBI can recover Clinton's messages. If evidence turns up that Hillary was up to something sinister, that could be a game-changer in the 2016 election. Is it likely that Hillary was up to no-good? No. Would the FBI actually file a report if they found evidence that Hillary was not only doing something bad, but hiding evidence as well? Not sure. However, this "scandal" intrigues me and I'm interested to see if any new developments occur, and if so would these developments affect the 2016 election.

  3. Yikes! If it was proven that she had truly attempted to hack into other accounts and/or committed treason I am almost certain her votes would fall out out pretty quickly...

  4. I would not like to be in her place right now. Even though I don't really have anything to hide, the thought of someone going through messages that I hoped were deleted forever repulses me. However, if the FBI find some information about her that show who she really is, I think it's better than finding out too late. If we find out after she becomes president, it might be too late to do something about it.
