Friday, October 30, 2015

Black Lives Matter Protesters Shout at Hillary During Speech

Today during a rally at Clark Atlanta University, Hillary was interrupted by Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors only five minutes into her speech. "Black lives matter!" was chanted amongst a throng of demonstrators in the front of the crowd. At first Clinton addressed the protesters, saying, "Yes, they do matter, and I will get to that", but that did not quell the noise. The chanting kept on for over 30 minutes while Hillary still attempted to make her speech above the ruckus. To make things worse, Clinton supporters began chanting "let her speak!" which regardless of their good intentions, made it even louder and harder for Hillary to speak. Influential people such as rep John Lewis were seen trying to calm the protesters which were eventually kicked out. The demonstrators were may have been protesting for multiple reasons, for instance, Hillary Clinton's past runs contrary to the stated goals of BLM. Clinton used a campaign ad accused of having racist undertones, waited a calculating 19 days to address Ferguson, and utilized racial prejudices against Obama. After the speech Clinton met with BLM members and had a discussion.


  1. While I understand their cause and admire them for speaking out about a real and important cause, I think BLM is directing their frustration at the wrong people (those who agree with them). If they continue this way, it most likely won't help their cause but will instead alienate more people.

  2. It is always neat to see people standing up for what they believe in! Although, I feel like interrupting her speech was slightly disrespectful. I understand that this is an efficient way to get way out there, but I am sure that there are other ways to do so without hurting other people in the process. Nevertheless, I like how Hillary, despite being interrupted, went out of her way to meet with the BLM members. I feel like that demonstrated her will, ability, and strength to listen and help people despite their actions.

  3. BLM protesters may have just helped Hillary Clinton. While attempting to protest Clinton's speech, BLM just informed America that Hillary is a patient, considerate candidate who dealt with the protesters very well. Democrats across the United States will see how Clinton handled the issue and may be more likely to vote for Hillary because of her patience and willingness to meet with the protesters after her speech.

  4. I agree with Abigail. Hillary Clinton did an admirable thing to try and come to friendly terms with BLM. I'm sure she got some more support from the way she handled the situation.

  5. I feel sorry for her that she wasn't able to speak.

  6. What an interesting situation that somehow helped Hilary! Even though it was disrespectful, the BLM made her look good in a way as she showed good candidate qualities.
