Friday, October 30, 2015

In recent poll numbers Hillary Clinton still dominates the now smaller Democratic side of candidates with 50%. With Webb, Biden, and Chafee out of the race only three remain. Although Sanders is losing by 20% he's still a force to consider because he has a solid segment of younger voters. With the other two candidates (O'Malley, Lessig) they haven't been able to make a big dent in their campaigns, which might lead them to withdraw from the race.

Black Lives Matter Protesters Shout at Hillary During Speech

Today during a rally at Clark Atlanta University, Hillary was interrupted by Black Lives Matter (BLM) protestors only five minutes into her speech. "Black lives matter!" was chanted amongst a throng of demonstrators in the front of the crowd. At first Clinton addressed the protesters, saying, "Yes, they do matter, and I will get to that", but that did not quell the noise. The chanting kept on for over 30 minutes while Hillary still attempted to make her speech above the ruckus. To make things worse, Clinton supporters began chanting "let her speak!" which regardless of their good intentions, made it even louder and harder for Hillary to speak. Influential people such as rep John Lewis were seen trying to calm the protesters which were eventually kicked out. The demonstrators were may have been protesting for multiple reasons, for instance, Hillary Clinton's past runs contrary to the stated goals of BLM. Clinton used a campaign ad accused of having racist undertones, waited a calculating 19 days to address Ferguson, and utilized racial prejudices against Obama. After the speech Clinton met with BLM members and had a discussion.
Hilary Clinton protested by Black lives matter!!!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Hilary and her views on death penalties

In an article Amy Chozick wrote, it seems as if Clinton wants to have some adjustments on death penalties. “We have a lot of evidence now that the death penalty has been too frequently applied, and too often in a discriminatory way,” she said. “So I think we have to take a hard look at it.” Mrs. Clinton added, “I do not favor abolishing it, however, because I do think there are certain egregious cases that still deserve the consideration of the death penalty, but I’d like to see those be very limited and rare, as opposed to what we’ve seen in most states.” Mrs. Clinton expressed support for the death penalty when she ran for the Senate in 2000. Her husband, Bill, expanded the use of capital punishment as president by signing the 1994 federal crime bill, parts of which Mrs. Clinton denounced this spring in the first major policy speech of her 2016 campaign. In that speech, she called for an end to the era of mass incarceration and for improved relations between African-Americans and mostly white police forces, but she did not wade deeply into the death penalty.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

News about Hilary Clintons Polls

An article written by Peter Nicholas, shows that Clinton overtakes Sanders in the polls. A new poll shows Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton topping challenger Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire Mrs. Clinton leads Mr. Sanders, a senator from Vermont, by 38% to 34%, according to the WBUR poll, which surveyed 401 likely voters in the Democratic primary from Oct. 15-18. Clinton is slowly rising in her polls, she is getting majority of her support from the first presidential debate that occurred just recently in Las Vegas. The latest survey, though, offered some encouraging news for Mr. Sanders. While 53% described Mrs. Clinton as honest and trustworthy, 80% believed that Mr. Sanders fit that description.

Friday, October 23, 2015

      Not even elected and already threatened with impeachment? The cart is not just in front of the horse, it's about three blocks down the road.

During Hillary Clinton's 11 hour congressional hearing, she attempted to avoid major damage that would obviously effect her 2016 presidential campaign. The hearing ultimately led to a political endurance test and details on how she handled the attacks.  According to the CNN article it stated that she had taken responsibility for the deaths of Americans in the September 11, 2012, attacks. Hillary remained calm throughout the hearing, but eventually she became impatient with the republican line of questioning. Overall the hearing wasn't too bad for Clinton, however depending on the outcome there could still be political consequences that will affect her campaign.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Hillary Clinton's Phone Call with Donald Trump

Recently Hillary Clinton went on the Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon. Although humorous, the video touched on serious subjects like women's' reproductive rights, immigration, and campaigning. Many think these shows are a good way to reach a younger audience. The humor makes it fun to watch and people get to see Hillary's stand on political views. These down to Earth interviews may be a factor to her considerable success in the polls.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hillary Clinton dismisses Benghazi ‘conspiracy theories’ ahead of her testimony


     As the race for the Presidency continues, Hillary Clinton is still haunted by incidents from her past and her position as Secretary of State. Will the continued assault on her actions during that tragedy effect her position in the poll's? Only time and the outcome of the House Committee on Benghazi will tell.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Recently, Hillary Clinton stated that she was in support of the "Australian Model" concept of gun control, which basically hinges on banning most common firearms, and confiscation through forced buy backs. She was then asked by New Hampshire man, "if we can do that? If we can't, why can't we? Hillary in response stated that,"I think it's worth considering, I do not know enough detail to tell you how we would do it,  or how it would work". Many individuals are arguing that Hillary is encouraging radical gun control, and she hasn't thought things through.

Obama Irritates the FBI - Hillary Clinton Emails

On Sunday, Barack Obama made an appearance on "60 Minutes". During the show, he attempted to downplay the significance of Clinton's Email fraud, stating "I don’t think it posed a national security problem". While he did say it was a mistake for Clinton to do what she did, he emphasized that it wasn't a situation in which America's national security was threatened. This miffed the FBI because they spent months researching if the security was somehow threatened, and for Obama to quickly dismiss any possibility of danger when they are not finished with the investigation made it seem like he was deciding the case for them, and clearing anyone of doing something wrong. "It was inappropriate for the president to suggest what side of the investigation he is on when the F.B.I. is still investigating" said Ron Hosko. Hosko is the president of the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund, and a former senior F.B.I. 
Next week, Clinton is scheduled to testify before the Republican controlled House committee. They will be investigating the attack in Benghazi, Libya that happened in 2012. The committee is expected to question Clinton about her unorthodox email arrangement. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hilary Clinton is downplaying her gender card again

            Author Sally Kohn writes an article about how Hilary Clinton is playing her gender card again and why women should be elected to be president. At the first democratic debate she repeatedly tells voters she would be the first women to be president and she would be a good and an effective president. Clinton thinks she is the most experienced and knows how to get things done better and faster. That’s what she says rhetorically at almost every debate she has, which is kind of getting old already. She states, “As a woman, you're really held to a totally different standard, and you're expected to be both strong and vulnerable at the same time”. In a way people do agree with Hilary, yes women are not supposed to not be able to have job, they can have a good profession, but there’s a limit to how much you can let women take control. Where are the moms who stay home and take care of their children? Where are the moms who cook dinner and have quality time with their families?  It is understandable that a women should have a part time job but she should have time to spend with her family.

Friday, October 9, 2015

                                  Hillary Clinton heckled by protester during annual awards event!

Hillary Clinton had presented the 2015 Medallion of Excellence award to Spanish- American chef Jose Andres at the annual congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute gala, when she was interrupted by Juan Carlos Ramos. Mr. Ramos is associated with the advocacy group United We Dream Action. He basically held a sign that read "Hillary for immigrants in prison", and began chanting "Hillary were watching". Mr. Ramos was basically proposing that the Clinton campaign is undermining her pro-immigrant policy promises, and that she should stand with the community. Hillary did not address the protester.


FBI has access to all Clintons backed-up emails !!!

An article written by Rachel Bade this week on POLITICO, was talking about how all the data firm could be given to the FBI, which means that all of Hilary Clintons emails can be read by the FBI. This situation is not looking so good for Clinton because it’s just going to cause people not to vote for her because there is evidence that Clinton was trying to hack into other accounts.  Rachel states that, “The news, first reported by McClatchy Tuesday, heightened the possibility that copies of Clinton’s messages — including roughly 30,000 “personal” messages she said she deleted — exist somewhere and could be recovered by the FBI”. Voters might have a problem with this because they want a president who will lead the nation with integrity not with treachery.

Read more:

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Hillary's Ironic Gun Statements

       A recent shooting in Oregon allowed Hillary Clinton to bring up the issue of gun laws. On October 5, 2015 she spoke at Manchester Community college, stating "We have got to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them." Clinton aspires to have more thorough background checks done to prevent the mentally ill, domestic abusers, and felons from obtaining weapons.
        Ironically, the weapons used in the Oregon shooting were bought legally from a licensed dealer by the killer and another relative. This means that the killer passed background checks. He did not have any criminal or psychiatric record, which usually is the case with mass shooters. Background checks many times cannot prevent shootings due to the fact that they cannot predict whether or not the person wants to accomplish a mass shooting. In addition, there are many ways a killer can get their hands on a gun without it being legal. After all, criminals often times do not worry about everything being legal.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Is Hilary going to have more trouble running for president ?

This week Hilary Clinton might have just lost some fans. A reporter from the Star Washington Bureau says that Hilary called Washington as an"Indianoplace". Reporter Maureen Groppe wrote what Clinton stated, "Are you still in the basketball crazed Indianoplace" ? Clinton wrote in an email  an aide in 2010,one of the many missives or maybe we should call them diss-ives - recently released by the U.S. Department in response to a freedom of information act lawsuit. This is what Groppe states. So all will do is wait and see what may happen to Clintons fans.

Hillary Clinton's weekly campaign

Hillary Clinton still leads Sanders and Biden, but not by much. Clinton no longer commands the support of a majority. With Clinton being backed up by 41% of likely Democratic voters, Biden and Sanders are backed up by 20% and 23%.