Friday, December 4, 2015

Hillary Clinton has regained a lead over Bernie Sanders, topping him by a 28 point margin. Hillary leads Sanders 58% to 30% and O'Malley registering at 2%. According to polls Hillary is widely seen as better able to handle matters of foreign policy than Sanders. According to CNN, Democratic voters reported that they trust Hillary most on foreign policy (74%)  and handling Isis (59%) and as best able to handle the responsibilities that come with being commander-in-chief (64%).

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hillary Clinton Reacts to San Bernardino Shooting

 (Willie J. Allen, Jr. / AP)
(Willie J. Allen, Jr. / Associated Press)

Clinton responded quickly to the breaking news of the shooting on Twitter, urging "we must take action to stop gun violence" and stating she "refuses to accept this as normal". Hillary remains a firm stand on pushing the need for stricter gun control in light of the latest in a long string of mass shootings. Clinton was speaking about the need for gun control at a campaign stop in Florida when the attack on Inland Regional Services in San Bernardino, California started to unfold on Wednesday afternoon, according to ABC News' Liz Kreutz. Clinton told her supporters it is time to stand up to the gun lobby and spoke of common sense solutions to gun violence.